Understanding the Differences Between торговый знак and торговая марка


When it comes to the world of business, understanding the nuances between торговый знак (trademark) and торговая марка (trade mark) is essential for success. In this article, we will delve into the distinctions between these two terms and how they impact businesses in the professional services, legal services, and among lawyers.

What is a торговый знак?

Торговый знак refers to a *trademark* in English, which is a recognizable sign, design, or expression that distinguishes products or services of a particular source from those of others. Торговый знак can be a name, logo, symbol, or combination thereof that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one business from those of others.

What is a торговая марка?

In contrast, торговая марка refers to a *trade mark* in English, which is an intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies goods or services of a particular source and distinguishes them from those of others.

The Differences Between торговый знак and торговая марка

While торговый знак and торговая марка both serve the purpose of distinguishing products or services and protecting intellectual property, they have unique characteristics and legal implications that businesses need to consider.

  • Торговый знак is more commonly used in legal frameworks to designate trademarks in Russia and some other countries, while торговая марка may have broader usage in other jurisdictions.
  • Торговый знак may focus more on the functional aspects of identifying goods or services, while торговая марка may encompass a broader scope of branding and reputation management.
  • Legal processes and regulations related to торговый знак and торговая марка can vary depending on the country and region, requiring businesses to navigate these differences strategically.


Understanding the differences between торговый знак and торговая марка is crucial for businesses operating in diverse markets and legal landscapes. By grasping the nuances of these terms and their implications, businesses can effectively protect their brand identity and intellectual property.

торговый знак и торговая марка отличия
